Conscious Dream State of Mind - Ervjon Cara - Real observation

Conscious Dream State of Mind - Ervjon Cara - Real observation. Awesome mind trickery. Conscious Dream State of Mind. 100% conscious inside the dream that I was actually dreaming and I was trying to understand how this can be possible. I was touching the walls of the building and surroundings and the feeling looked so real. I was very impressed. I knocked on the walls just to listen at the noise and feel the touch much better closely. I also tried the sound of stones I was throwing just to listen at the sound of it and it looked somehow just like when we listen at things while we are under water. The sound was not good for sure but the feelings of touch,temperature of the tangible things and other stuff was more than real. It was pretty impressive. After experimenting a lot of things inside that I tried the last things. Getting out of the dream state. Tried to understand what I should do from inside the dream so it could affect my real body and push it somehow do things that will make my mind change its state of mind from dreaming to awake in such a way so I could do it later anytime whenever I am inside that kind of state of mind and wake up anytime I need so I can get out of there more often in a controlled and conscious way and I came up with the idea of pushing my body react somehow unconsciously so It breathes more fresh air and change somehow the body temperature so I can wake up .. and it worked. I woke up. I thought, although I can not see my real body, it must for sure be covered with something as I must for sure be sleeping and trying to uncover my self so my body temperature change can trigger the awakening was the ultimate idea. It worked like a swiss wristwatch. So I was totally conscious that I was actually inside a dream while being conscious of it. It is not the firs time it happens, but not this real and this controllable, till the control of getting out of it so easily.The only strange thing was the way I was moving inside the dream surroundings. It was the same way I usually see very easily in the clouds or that appear in my videos in the form of ghosts strange flying humanoid-like creatures. Flying human-like creatures without legs that actually float in midair. Inside the dream I was actually moving just like them. Same way. Same style. I usually float like this in my dreams but I never had before the chance to get so close to the objects and touch them and in the same time being very conscious this is actually a dream and I can actually also get out of it consciously. Maybe it is just the well known astral projection kind of floating but I detected none of the well-known details of the cord attached to the body people talk about the astral projection stuff. I am sure this is just a copy paste into my subconscious mind of the things I notice all the time floating around me trying to show themselves up in my videos and actually doing it very successfully a lot of times. This is the only logical explanation. The problem that comes up attached to this is that there is a lot of non so logical stuff out there, I know for sure it is out there and we just don't know enough of it. It is obvious that the creative mind can make this happen in real time reaction speed but It was very strange being actually inside a dream and in the same time being amazed of the realistic feeling of the touch and knowing this is actually a damn dream. I could stay as long as I wanted inside that state of mind and I got out of it very easily. The way things appeared and disappeared in front of me made me understand it was a dream and usually in my dreams I don't understand it is a dream because when you are inside of it everything feels natural and I don't really usually understand that this is not actually normal. After being conscious it was a dream, things became totally stable and nothing disappeared no more. This time, when this happened I understood it was a dream and I started doubting of the fact it was a natural reality and I was immediately convinced that this is a dream and not reality. I am still very amazed by the details and feelings of touching objects and the scars in the walls while being so amazed about the feeling itself. The way of thinking was very strange. Being amazed of being conscious I am actually dreaming. I could not believe at myself that touching objects inside a dream could be so realistic and in the same time be so conscious it is actually a damn dream. Human mind is a damn good computer.