SEKRETI I AKTIVIZIMIT TË TELEPATISË. SYRI QË SHEH GJITHSHKA. Demostrim në gjuhën shqipe nga shqipëtar, trajnimi telepatie të kontrolluar ushtarake dhe N.L.P. programimi neuro-linguistik të mendjes së njeriut që përdoret nga shërbimet sekrete më të fuqishme në botë. Në video keni mësime shum të vyera krejtësisht falas. Trajnimi i plote ka 23 faza. Ky trajnim rrealizon atë që do mund ta quanim (Brain overclocking). Çbllokimi i limiteve të mendjes së njeriut në jetën rreale dhe jo në filma fantastikoshkencorë. Praktikisht është sekreti që përdorin mentalistet më të famshëm në botë. Mos e humbni. Qeveria dhe sidomos feja nuk do ju lejojë kurrë që ta dini se ju keni aftësi më të fuqishme se ato që pretendohet se kishin vetëm profetët. Një i tranuar me këto aftësi dhe njohuri mund të arrijë të parashikojë detaje nga e ardhmja dhe të perceptojë pa ndihmën e syve, duarve dhe veshëve se çfar ka diku tjetër shum larg në hapësirë dhe në kohë. Qeveria, organizata kiminale dhe shërbimet sekrete do ju bezdisin, kërcënojnë dhe shantazhojnë pafundësisht sa të keni jete që të punoni me çdo kusht për ta pasi të keni mësuar se si bëhet kjo gjë.

GJENIU Saimir Maloku - Shpikësi i paisjes që hakoi zhurmuesin e televizionit komunist.

Dosja UKT Kombinat Tirane. Mbifaturimi abuziv. Pjesa 1.


Author: Ervjon Cara alias Niko Kuri. ALBANIA. Theoretically babies do not perceive what they see because their brain is not yet ready to construct the understanding of what they see but after many years of research in the field of paranormal and after studying the religions of the region what I found was more shocking than impressive. I was always driven by doubt when making my research because I always doubt what I at first think it might be as I am told by others so I had to study for a long time the phenomenons of the paranormal before shaping my own opinion about what I am talking right now. My name is Ervjon Cara and I was born in Tirana. The capital of Albania. I am an Investigative journalist and a Audiovisual Producer by profession. I make documentary films to make my living .I was always interested about the paranormal phenomenons because of the presence of other investigators of the field always appearing from time to time close to my family which at the time really triggered my curiosity for this kind of things. I am not going to talk too much in this video for my achievements in the field but I can assure you that I got proves that what I say is true so let’s move to the point. I have strong reasons to belive that knowing what else there is out there that usual people don’t want to belive that exist and knowing how that thing works, after many years of research now I am pretty sure that babies must for sure feel and maybe works, after many years of research now I am pretty sure that babies must for sure feel and maybe not only feel but also perceive what we call seeing things that we use to call the presence of creatures that are not visible to our eyes. To the eyes of the adults. I know that this might trigger your belief that what I say is based on religion but you must now that that’s not true because I am one of the biggest enemies of religion not as a single person that makes everyday struggle to prove that religion is a pretty bad thing but also as the leader of an entire organization that fights against religion whith the help of a quite well known and very ancient research method to find everything we need and use it against religion. A movement that I started to shape it after starting to really understand the details of what I am talking about not only in theory but also in practice and the reason why I really belive that what’s hidden under religion is exactly the opposite of what is supposed to be the so called “belief” in this kind of things and at least to me personally this is crystal clear because I see it written whith black paint in white paper by exactly the makers of these religions in their so called by them the Holy Books of their religions. They condemn every single person that proves that these things are real and I have strong reasons to belive that this happens to be because they are jealous of whoever brakes the darkest and the most evil of their best hidden promises of their so called spiritual leaders to not allow anyone use this kind of things whithout first pay attributes to them for it because they have claimed ownership of these things and they are sworen to better destroy the knowledge about these things than let anyone be part of the knowing the secret of the so called “The secret”. In other words they have buildt a pyramid of control of the specific kind of knowledge and whoever wants to be part of this kind of scholarship have to pay a very high price. If you dare to try to get somehow into the so called “The secret” without paying this price they will fight you whith the help of the well known and very cruel system of being condemned and threatened from the whole society of “believers” for commiting this kind of forbidden thing. In other words whatever I am talking about leads to the conclusion that I have strong evidences that these creatures really do exists and they stay around us for their own reasons. I have practically tens of hours of video footage and hundreds of pictures of them made possible whith the use of 100% of pure science and I am talking for almost exactly the same methods that nobel price scientists used for the detection of the so called antimatter and also made the first believed to be pictures of It. So.. what I really do belive that many times the children perceive as seeing using what they ca use to perceive what we adults call it seeing pointing in the back of other people some times might be exactly what I am talking about and I am talking about perceiving the presence of what I have evidences that really do exists and can be prove scientifically. This can be for sure proven even for the eyes of the entire human society only if the war against religion would be strong enough to forbid them forbid us to know and see what is crystal clear that is real but they don’t want us to know and put our hands on it because what we can do with it might be fatal for them and the hole pyramid of the system they are in possession of.

Qerpici i rrevolucionit - PERQURRJA.